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「GIRI-GIRI 橘奈々子」の良くある質問 by Yahoo!知恵袋
Q.この文章の構造を教えて下さい。She heard his words so clearly that she felt them under her skin, under her winter coat, so near and full of warmth that she felt herself go hot.少し長いですが、この文のso near and full of warmth の部分が理解できません><She heard them so clearlyShe heard them so near この2つが並列の関係という気がしますが、そうすると、She heard them full of warmth というのはおかしい気がします。
A.She heard them so clearlyShe heard them so near She heard them <so> full of warmthso near and full of warmth →She heard them so near and She heard them so full of warmth
Q.英語が読める方、簡単で良いので下記のデジカメの説明について何て書いてあるのか教えていただけませんか??肝心な所を要約でも結構です。アメリカで使われているデジカメって充電はコンセントなんでしょうか?だったら日本では使えないという事ですか??よろしくお願い致します。Disney Pixar's Cars Pixar Micro Digital Camera DS24024This camera and activity book makes an ideal starter camera for kids ages 6+. The interactive photo book instructs kids to take photos that can be incorporated into fun activities with their favorite Disney characters. First, kids can take pictures with the pocket‐size digital camera, then they can edit them in the award winning Pix photo editing software. Next, add them to the activity book, and finally add stickers. The Disney Pix Micro camera holds up to 40 photos at a time.Features:Easy to use-great starter camera Digital Camera holds up to 40 photos Disney Pix Software allows you to edit your photos Cars Photo Activity Book with full sticker pageProduct Information:Item model number: DS24024 Manufacturer recommended age: 6+ years Batteries: 1 AAA batteries requiredDisney Phineas And Ferb Pix Micro 3.0 Digital CameraThe best pocket-size digital camera designed just for kids. Choose from your favorite Disney characters, it’s the ideal starter camera for kids ages 6+. The Disney Pix Micro camera holds up to 40 photos at a time, and comes with a USB cable for easy download to a computer. Each camera comes with a CD featuring the award winning Pix photo editing software, which lets kids customize their picsby adding their favorite Disney characters, fun graphics, frames and more. With the new software feature, make endless wacky videos of yourself and your friends breaking it down.Features:Easy to use-great starter camera Holds up to 40 photos Status LCD VGA resolution 1 year warrantyProduct Information:Item model number: DS10054 Manufacturer recommended age: 6 - 10 years Batteries: 1 AAA batteries required
A.Batteries: 1 AAA batteries requiredなので、これは、充電式でなく、単三電池使用です。ディズニーのキャラクターのトイカメラで対象年齢は6歳以上40枚まで撮影可能、USBケーブルでつなぎパソコンに写真を写すこともできる。附属のCD-ROMで好きなキャラクターを選びフレーム加工、グラフィック加工できるはじめてのカメラに最適1年間保障対象年齢6歳から10歳てところです
Q.個人輸入しようとしましたが、わからなくなってしまいました。英訳お願いします。アメリカからの個人輸入なのですが、カード決済であとは到着するのを待つだけなのですが、We are always interested in knowing what happened and if there was a reason that you decided not to purchase with us at this time. If you could be so kind as to let us know if you had any issues or concerns, we would appreciate it. We are asking for feedback from you and others as to how we can help make your experience on our site better. PLEASE NOTE: If you believe you completed your purchase and are wondering why it was not delivered, this email is an indication that your order was NOT completed, and that you have NOT been charged! Please return to the site in order to complete your order. Our apologies if you already completed your purchase. We try not to send these messages in those cases, but sometimes it is hard for us to tell depending on individual circumstances. Again, thank you for your time and consideration in helping us improve our site.Hurry up to take advantage of your special promotion!というメッセージが届きました。買い物ができてないということはわかるのですが、細かいことが分からず、、いつごろ届くのか、郵便の追跡番号を教えてほしいとメールしたところI apologize, we were unable to ship out your order due to the last of the stock being damaged. We try our best to keep track of all our stock to make sure this does not happen but some products have damages we don't see until it is being packaged. At this time we currently do not have any more in stock that are in a condition we would send to a customer. We have refunded the full amount of your order and you should see this in your account shortly. If you would like to be notified once our stock has been replenished, please reply to this email and we will be happy to inform you. Again, we apologize for our mistake and hope we have taken all the right steps to correct this. If not, please inform us on how we could have improved this situation. という返事がきました。キャンセルされたのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。
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